Kurt Lewin's Model of action research- Process and tools

      Kurt Lewin’s Model of action research-


Since the late 1930s the field of social psychology and education had shown great interest in action research. The term action research was coined by the social psychologist Kurt Lewin in United States in about 1944.He came to describe the characteristics of action research after a series of practical experiences in early 1940s. He concluded there is no action without research and no research without action. Lewin gave importance to democratic collaboration and participation. According to Lewin the action research does not end till the expected change is obtained in the behavior of the students. The concept of the action research is not static but continuously moving. According to Lewin action research is a cyclic process. It is cyclic. Kurt Lewin is a founder of action research.

The roots of modern action research were put forward by John Dewey. John Dewey stated that the conventional scientific research methods are not suitable to solve educational problems. Dr. Corey is the first Indian researcher in the area of action research. He is called as promoter of action research in India.

Kurt Lewin’s Model of action research-

Kurt Lewin developed the model how people change from their current state to new state with acquisition of new knowledge. According to him knowledge remains frozen until something comes to unfreeze it. That may be new experience or information. We are trying to change the people, gain more knowledge, Skills, attitude and relationship in education field. This alteration of people needs powerful tools. According to him unfrozen means move the learners into a position where they let go their past belief and move to new knowledge. It is very much important to regain the new knowledge and maintain it till new change is required.

Action research is all about solving problems in order to bring positive change in the learner.

According to Kurt Lewin action research is a repetitive process. Action research is a cyclic process.

Each cycle consists of four steps which repeat till the expected change in behavior is obtained.

Four steps of Kurt Lewin’s model-

1.       Planning

2.       Implementation or Execution

3.       Observation

4.       Feedback and Reflective thinking

         These four steps are followed again and again till the problem is solved completely.

1.       Planning- The diagnosis of the problem is done in the first step. Once the problem is diagnosed planning is done to solve the problem. The method, learning experiences, place and time is planned. Hypothesis is derived.

2.       Implementation- The planning is implemented in the second step. The hypothesis derived in the first step is verified in the second step.

3.       Observation- The third step is of observation and collection of data. The data collected may be    quantitative or qualitative.

4.       Feedback and reflective thinking-The collected data is analyzed and obtained the feedback. The          conclusion is drawn.

If the result is satisfactory then the cycle is complete. If results are not achieved as per the expectations then the problem is analyze again from different angle. The planning is done with new method and the second cycle starts. The cycles are repeated till the problem is solved completely.

Researcher can use different tools to support his action research. The selection of tools depends on the problem to be solved and the method. Some of the methods used are observation of learners group or individual, audio and video recording, Interview, questionnaire, test, checklist, rating scale, anecdotal record etc.

Kurt Lewin’s conditions for successful action research-

1.       Teacher should be sensitive to realize the problem. Hence research should be problem oriented.

2.       The learner or client should be at the center.

3.       The research should start by keeping in mind the current situation or the condition of the learner or the client.

4.       The research should get the quantitative or qualitative data collection directly or indirectly.

5.       The findings must be systematic and useful.

I am giving one example with content to clear your idea about Kurt Lewins Model of action research.

Example of Kurt Lewin’s cycle with content-                                               

Subject- Mathematics.

Topic- Place value in four digit number

First cycle-


1.       To diagnose the mistakes of the students in writing place value of four digit number.

2.       To find out the number of students making this mistake.

3.       To prepare teaching aids and selecting teaching method.

4.       To prepare tools for evaluation.

5.       To plan the time-table for implementation.


1.       Reading of four digit number.

2.       Writing of four digit number.

3.       Teaching place value of each digit in four digit number.

4.       Giving practice of writing four digit number as per the place value.


1.       Fifteen students out of forty students made mistake in writing place value of four digit number.

2.        The mistake is observed in writing tens, hundreds and thousands place when there is zero in four digits.

Feedback and reflective thinking-

1.       Fifteen students made mistake in writing place value of four digit number.

2.       The mistake occurred when the four digit number contain zero in the number.

3.       The problem is not solved so there is a need of second cycle with new planning.

4.       Reflective thought is making work card and using them in second cycle with new method of teaching to solve the problem completely.

Second Cycle-


1.       To plan various activities to minimize the mistake of writing place value of four digit number.

2.       To select another method for teaching.

3.       To prepare work cards.


1.       Reading place value of four digit number with work cards.

2.       Using different activities to explain place value of four digit number.

3.       Giving more practice of writing place value of four digit number.


1.       All students wrote the place value of four digit number correctly.

2.       Students wrote correct place value of the four digit number which contain zero in it.

Feedback and Reflective thinking-

1.       The mistake of writing place value of four digit number is totally removed.

2.       There is no mistake in writing tens, hundreds and thousands place when zero is in the number.

3.       There is a success in the research. So cycle is completed.

In this way the cycles are repeated till the problem is solved completely removed.



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