Research proposal of the action research

 Research Proposal For Action Research

Research proposal is just a outline of the research work. The architect makes blue print before construction of house . This helps the researchers to plan his work and get familiar to the obstacles or problems which may be created during the research work before hand.

Action research is done by teachers to solve their problems which they face during teaching learning process,

There are various terminologies to be considered while making research proposal

1. Introduction:- Here you have to explain , why is the subject is selected for research? What is the need of this research?
2. Need and Importance:- Researcher has to explain how this research is helpful to students and other teachers in future.
3. Title:- Researcher has to write research title which should be meaningful, brief and containing all variables in it.
4. Objectives:- Researcher has to decide objectives of his research by studying his problem through all Angeles .
5. Operational Definitions:- Researcher has to define all the terms used in his research title with specific meaning which is related to that research only.
6. Assumptions:- Researcher has to think about assumptions related to his research and if required he to mention them here.
7. Hypothesis:- Researcher has to write tentative answer of his research.  He can write one or more than one hypothesis. He may write it in the form of mill hypothesis or directive hypothesis. 
8. Sampling:- Researcher has to mention here the method of sampling, type of sampling and size of sampling.
9. Method of research:Researcher has to select research method as per the requirements of his researchHe can select either descriptive or experimental method.
10. Variables:- Researcher has to explain variables used in his titles such as independent variable,  dependent variable,  controlled variable and intervening variables.
11. Research design:- If researcher has selected experimental method then he has to select suitable research design such as single group design, double group static design and quasi experimental design.
12. Tools:- Researcher needs tools to collect quantitative and qualitative data of his research. Researcher has to choose and mention the tops to be used in his research work. There are various tools to collect both quantitative and qualitative data such as various types of tests, check list, rating scales,  anecdotal records, questionnaire, interview, etc.
13. Statistical Method:- There is a need of analysis of the collected data. Researcher has to select and mention the statistical method to be used to analyze his collected research data. Researcher can use ‘t' test,  ‘A' test, percentage per the requirement.
14. Scope and limitations:- Researcher has to mention the scopes and limitations of his/her research
15. Time table:- Researcher has to plan his research work so that he can finish his/her work in time without any problem. So researcher is required to prepare time table from selection of problem to report writing  which will mention the number of days required to select the problem, prepare the tools ,actual implantation, analysis  of data, report writing of his research work  .
16. Cost of the project- Researcher has to mention approximate cost of the research work
17. References:- Researcher has to mention here name of books, periodicals, journals  referred till the preparation of proposal with the name of authorpublication and year of publication


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