Detail information of survey method


         Survey Method-


Herodotus from Egypt had used survey method in 300bc to study census. This method was used in 11 century to study social problems in England. John Howard had started scientific social survey in England. The modern social survey was started by Paul Kellogg in 1909.

Definitions of survey method-

1.       “Survey means critical study,”

2.       “Survey means the study of conditions at specific place.”

3.       “Survey means the critical inspection to collect accurate information.”

Survey Method-

The survey method is used to collect detailed description of existing phenomena. It is the technique of gathering required data or information by asking questions to people who are having desired data or information. The survey method is a process to collect information in research by asking questions through interview or by giving questionnaire to desired group of people or units of sample of the research. A survey is a data collection tool consists of a set of structured questions to which respondents provide answer based on their knowledge and experiences. All questions are pre -defined. The questionnaire is prepared in advance. The questions constructed in survey may be open ended or close ended as per the requirement of the data. There is exchange of information between researcher and units of sample of the research. The conversation with the units of research and researcher through interview is helpful to the researcher to collect the desired data. This conversation or interview can be conducted face to face interview or by virtual means like telephone, video call, audio conferencing etc. The researcher can change the sequence of questions or add more questions at the time of interview to collect more and accurate information or data. There is more flexibility in collecting data by conducing interview. The another way of survey is to prepare questionnaire based on more closed ended questions and few open ended questions to get more accurate data or information. The questionnaire can be given at one place or can be posted by different means to the group of people in the selected sample to collect black and white information. The information can be collected by observing the units selected as a sample and recording the observation as the information for further analysis. The gathered data or information is used to justify conditions, situations and practices to make more accurate and intelligent plans to improve them. The aim of survey is not only to analyze, interpret and report the status of the area in order to guide in future but to determine the adequacy of status by comparing it with established standards related to that particular area of which the information is collected.

The survey method is considered very important in social research. Survey method may be quantitative and qualitative. Survey includes school survey, public opinion survey, social survey and job analysis.

The data collected by survey is confined to gather three types of information.

1.       Data concerning to existing status.

2.       Comparison of existing status with established status and standards.

3.       Means of improving the existing status.


Characteristics of survey method-

1.       More importance is given to the group and marks or qualities of the group than individual and his qualities or marks.

2.       The stress is given on solving local problem.

3.       Cross Sectional (Tirthak Chhed) method is used.

4.       Sample is large.

5.       It provides information to the fundamental research.

6.       It is useful to collect quantitative as well as qualitative information.

7.       This method supports to only collection of data and not the reasons behind the situation.

8.       The information or data is collected by preparing good tool as per the requirement.

9.       There is no manipulation. The observation is done as it is.

10.   Mathematical symbols are used along with verbal description.

Advantages of survey method-

1.       The awareness about existing educational conditions is created in the researcher. This helps researcher to solve his existing problem.

2.       One can guess the progress of future as the survey method helps in doing study of present.

3.       The skill of preparing good tool for collection of data is developed in the researcher.

4.       The supplementary information is made available for fundamental or basic study.

5.       Lot of information about specific field is collected by survey method. This helps to improve validity and accuracy of the research.

6.       The expenditure on creating and administering a survey is generally lower than other research methods.

7.       It is convenient way of data collection.

Limitations of survey method-

1.       This method is helpful to collect only data but does not consider the reasons behind the condition or situation.

2.       The sample is very large so it is difficult for researcher to handle it.

3.       There is a need of more time, money and efforts to collect the data as the sample is very large.

4.       There is a need of more time to tabulate the data and to analyze the data.

5.       Survey method is not useful to search particular rule and principles.

6.       The bias responses may affect the validity of the research data.

7.       High survey dropout rates may also affect the number of responses received in the research.


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