
                            Tips to identify research problems  Research problems are of three types. 1. Descriptive- This problem pertains to difficulties that need to solve. 2. Relational- This focus on the relationship between two or more than two factors. 3. Casual- this problem focus on cause and effect. A research problem is a statement about the field concern and researcher wants to find  the solution to it. Research  problem is the situation to be improved which may be  about  students, school and even teacher herself/ himself. Research  problem is  a  specific condition, difficulty arose in teaching learning  process. Teacher should have love about teaching profession, students and  her/his school then only she/he will recognize the problems and  think to solve them. 1.        Continuous observation of the students d...
                   Writing an action research report  Action research is conducted by professionals in a specific field with the aim of continuous reflection and improvement. Action research is particularly popular in the educational field. Teachers often use action research to improve teaching learning process by testing different teaching methods. Teacher can solve the problem faced in teaching learning process on their own by conducting action research. Researcher must understand the process which is followed while conducting action research. This helps researcher to write effective action research report. The action research report should contain background behind conducting action research, title of the research, review of related literature and researches, deciding methodology, tools and techniques, collection of data, analysis of data, drawing conclusion. Need of writing a research report of action research- A systema...

Detail information of survey method

                         Survey Method- History-  Herodotus from Egypt had used survey method in 300bc to study census. This method was used in 11 century to study social problems in England. John Howard had started scientific social survey in England. The modern social survey was started by Paul Kellogg in 1909. Definitions of survey method- 1.        “Survey means critical study,” 2.        “Survey means the study of conditions at specific place.” 3.        “Survey means the critical inspection to collect accurate information.” Survey Method- The survey method is used to collect detailed description of existing phenomena. It is the technique of gathering required data or information by asking questions to people who are having desired data or information. The survey method is a process to collect information in res...

Tips for case study

               Case Study- The detailed study of individual, family, group, social institute, or society is case study. The whole lifecycle is studied in case study. A case study is an in-depth study of individual, group, event, institute etc. It is necessary to study each and every aspect of the life of the subject of which the case study is to be studied. The case study involves collection of information or history of the subject and its analysis to draw the conclusion. It is necessary to study the patterns and causes of particular behavior in case study. The soul of this method is to find out the correct reasons behind the particular behavior. Researcher has to take precaution for keeping all the collected information confidential. The information ofCase study can be used in many fields like psychology, medicine, education, anthropology, political science and even social work. A case study can have both strengths and weaknesses. Researcher ha...

Kurt Lewin's Model of action research- Process and tools

        Kurt Lewin’s Model of action research-   Since the late 1930s the field of social psychology and education had shown great interest in action research. The term action research was coined by the social psychologist Kurt Lewin in United States in about 1944.He came to describe the characteristics of action research after a series of practical experiences in early 1940s. He concluded there is no action without research and no research without action. Lewin gave importance to democratic collaboration and participation. According to Lewin the action research does not end till the expected change is obtained in the behavior of the students. The concept of the action research is not static but continuously moving. According to Lewin action research is a cyclic process. It is cyclic. Kurt Lewin is a founder of action research. The roots of modern action research were put forward by John Dewey. John Dewey stated that the conventional scientific research me...

Importance of review of related literature in research-

                           Review of related literature- Review of related literature is very important part of the research. The review of related literature is a search and evaluation of the related topic or subject or the area selected. It is survey of the literature of the subject. The researcher faces some problem in her/his carrier rather in teaching profession. Teacher wants to solve the problem on her/ his own. The researcher should have sufficient knowledge and information about the topic or the area to solve the problem. Researcher has to read the books, magazines, journals to gather the required information. Hence it is necessary to review the literature. Similarly it is required to review the dissertation of previous researches to find out whether anybody has faced the same problem in the same topic or in the same area. Review of related dissertation help the researcher to find out the way of that resear...