
Showing posts from February, 2022

Kurt Lewin's Model of action research- Process and tools

        Kurt Lewin’s Model of action research-   Since the late 1930s the field of social psychology and education had shown great interest in action research. The term action research was coined by the social psychologist Kurt Lewin in United States in about 1944.He came to describe the characteristics of action research after a series of practical experiences in early 1940s. He concluded there is no action without research and no research without action. Lewin gave importance to democratic collaboration and participation. According to Lewin the action research does not end till the expected change is obtained in the behavior of the students. The concept of the action research is not static but continuously moving. According to Lewin action research is a cyclic process. It is cyclic. Kurt Lewin is a founder of action research. The roots of modern action research were put forward by John Dewey. John Dewey stated that the conventional scientific research methods are not suitable t

Importance of review of related literature in research-

                           Review of related literature- Review of related literature is very important part of the research. The review of related literature is a search and evaluation of the related topic or subject or the area selected. It is survey of the literature of the subject. The researcher faces some problem in her/his carrier rather in teaching profession. Teacher wants to solve the problem on her/ his own. The researcher should have sufficient knowledge and information about the topic or the area to solve the problem. Researcher has to read the books, magazines, journals to gather the required information. Hence it is necessary to review the literature. Similarly it is required to review the dissertation of previous researches to find out whether anybody has faced the same problem in the same topic or in the same area. Review of related dissertation help the researcher to find out the way of that researcher has solved the problem. Researcher has to read the dissertation

Characteristics of action research

    Action Research- Action research is an interactive inquiry process. It works in cycle. It starts with planning. Once the planning is done then action or implementation of planning is done. Next step is to observe the effect of the action. The feedback gives us the information about the success of the research. If success is not seen then again the process begins with another action plan. Action research is a good tool for teacher to enhance her/his teaching skills, standard of teaching, standard of students achievement and standard of school. Action research is very useful in education field.   Characteristics of action research- 1.         Action research is an effective process which develops the professional skills of the teacher, enhances his/her teaching standards. 2.        The direction of the action research is from profession to theories or principle. 3.        Action research is a cyclic process.(Planning, Action or Implementation, Observation and Feedback) 4.        Rese

Criteria for selection of good problem

                      Criteria for selection of good problem- Teacher faces many problems in her teaching carrier. She/he has to overcome those problems. Teacher should see the priority of solving the problems. Teacher has to select good problem. There are different criteria for selection of good problem. Teacher as a researcher should see the problem through all the angles. Teacher should use criteria given bellow to select good problem. a.      Capability of the researcher-   Researcher has to find out- 1.       Necessity to solve the problem. 2.       Need of help from others. 3.       Expenditure required for the research work. 4.       Time required for solving the problem. 5.       Availability of the sufficient time for solving problem. 6.       Sufficient knowledge and information about the problem. b.       Importance of the problem-    Researcher has to think about- 1.       Usefulness of the problem. 2.       Limitation of the problem. 3.       Co

How to formulate good research title?

                                                  Tips to formulate good research title Research Title -The research title is the summary of the research study. 1.       It should be brief but all inclusive. 2.       It should be attractive. 3.       Title should be simple and framed with essential words required for that particular research study. 4.       Title should not contain any ambiguous word. 5.       Researcher should include action verbs in the title wherever necessary. 6.       Title should be unique and catchy. 7.       Title should predict content of the research study. 8.       It should contain important keywords so that reader can easily locate the research study. 9.       It should create interest in the reader. 10.   Research title should describe the topic, the sample, the method and the result of the research study which are variables of the study.

Research proposal of the action research

  Research Proposal  For Action Research Research proposal is  just a  outline of the research work.   The architect  makes blue print before construction of  house .  This helps the researchers to plan his work and get   familiar  to the  obstacles or problems which may be created during the research work  before hand. Action research is done by teachers to solve their problems which they face during teaching learning process, There are  various terminologies  to be considered while making research proposal .  1.  Introduction:-   Here you have to explain , why is the subject is  selected for research? What is the need of this research? 2.  Need and Importance:-   Researcher  has to explain how this research is helpful to students and other teachers in future. 3.  Title:-   Researcher  has to write  research  title which should be  meaningful, brief  and containing all variables in it. 4.  Objectives:-   Researcher has to decide objectives of his research  by studying his problem thro

Different views about action research

                             Definitions of Action Research The definitions of Action research given by various experts are given below. 1.     Kurt Lewin - According to him action research is “a comparative research on the conditions and effects of various forms of social action and research leading to social action.”   2.     Halsey- “Action research is a small scale intervention in the functioning of the real work and a close examination of the effects of such as intervention.”           3.      Corey - “The process by which practitioners attempt to study their problems scientifically in order to guide correct and evaluate their decisions and action is action research.”            4.    Mc Rathote and Others:- “Action research is organized, investigative activity aimed towards the Study and constructive change of a given endeavor by individuals or group concerned with such change and improvement,”     5.    Jean McNiff:- “Applied to classrooms, action researc